September 14, 2008

It Is Good To Feel Good

Do you need to use vision boards, meditations, self-help CDs and other tools to manifest your desires?

When becoming a deliberate creator you have to remember that not all of the same tools that work for one person will work for another. If this was so, we would all be millionaires right now from just reading one book!

Over the years there have been many great teachers sharing their tools, tips, tricks and techniques with us so that we too can make our dreams a reality. My favourite and most highly respected teacher I’ve ever come across is the teaching of Abraham-Hicks who teach very easy, understandable methods of manifesting.

All techniques that teachers share with us have one common denominator. They are all designed to make you feel good. Whether it is meditating, visualising a vision board, listening to affirmations or listening to a subliminal self-help CD’s – every tool is designed to make you feel good.

Why is this? Feeling good is all there is. It is the purpose for your being. You are not on this planet to reproduce and then die. You are not here to earn lots of money and then die. Your purpose here right now is to experience as much joy, fun, happiness and love as you possibly can! You shouldn’t waste a single second of it.

Why would you want to waste your time doing something that wasn’t enjoyable?

Everyone has their own individual ideas of what is enjoyable and what isn’t, which is why this universe and the world we live in is so brilliant. A good example of this would be the difference between age groups. Generally the older generation do not like technical gizmos and devices such as computers, whereas the younger generation have fallen in love with them.

Coming back to the original point of this article then, you do not need to use every different tip, tool or technique under the sun. These teachers are just sharing what has helped them because they enjoy helping you.

My advice is to try them all out. If it resonates with you, you will sure know about it because it makes you feel so good. It makes you happy, alive and joyful. On the other hand, you may not get these types of feelings and so that technique is not the right one for you.

One universal technique that I have found works with everyone and anyone is a process called “finding a thought that feels better”. To do this process you simply poke around inside your thoughts until you can find a thought that feels just a little better than your previous thought. Then when you’ve found a thought that feels better, milk it for everything its worth! Suck all of the goodness out of that thought and dwell upon it. Then move on and think of another thought that feels slightly better than the thought you just had…

You can see where this one is going?

Before long you will be feeling so damn great, you will be in love with everything and everyone around you. I invite you to try it.

Just remember one thing … it is good to feel good!


1 comment:

Samantha said...

Well written, thank you for this writeup. I believe there are more information on subliminal cds at