You may be familiar with the idea that your beliefs create your reality. Do you actually live as though this were true? All too often, people base their beliefs on what they have seen or experienced in the past. This will tend to create more of it, whatever "it" may be. It may seem natural to believe what you have come to define as "reality." However, if you want to create your own reality, you have to reverse this process. Rather than basing your beliefs on your past experience, you want to learn to create your future experience with your present beliefs.
How can we create beliefs that are not based on our experience? It has to start with an intention. This can be an affirmation that you write down or repeat to yourself. It is best to start with a specific goal in mind. Let's say you want to create the belief that you attract abundance into your life. Let's also assume that your recent experience does not seem to support this belief, as you have been feeling a lack of abundance. A typical affirmation for this might be something like, "I now attract abundance into my life." However, at this point, we are working at one level deeper, at the level of beliefs. So your affirmation would be, "I now believe that I can attract abundance at all times." While it is only a change of a couple of words, you are focusing on changing your beliefs, which are really the essence of your ability to attract anything.
One reason it can be helpful to work with beliefs this way is that you can create affirmations that are not contradicting your present ideas about reality. It's fine to say, "I am now attracting abundance," but your rational mind might remain a little skeptical. Such an affirmation can still be helpful, especially if you persist with it. However, the affirmation, "I now believe I can attract abundance," is working on changing your beliefs rather than physical reality, so it's less of a challenge to the rational mind. You can use this with any kind of affirmation, simply focusing on the belief rather than the material outcome.
If you want to attract a certain outcome in your life, try to focus in on the essential quality that this desire represents. If you want to attract a new relationship, for example, you may want to work with your beliefs regarding love and whether you feel deserving of love. So, while a more traditional affirmation might be, "I now attract the perfect mate into my life," you might try instead, "I now believe I deserve to give and receive love."
Don't make the mistake of thinking that this kind of affirmation is less powerful than a seemingly more direct one. If your beliefs create your reality, then changing your beliefs will very quickly change your physical reality. Focusing on the beliefs rather than the physical reality itself is simply a way to acknowledge the power of beliefs.
As you practice this, you will notice that your understanding of how beliefs actually create your reality will increase.
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