September 16, 2008

The Law of Attraction and Vibration

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates" -The Kybalion

Vibration can be understood as the way energy moves within a particular entity. As everything is made of energy, and everything has a vibration, the way something or someone vibrates is what determines the experiences that are attracted. This is closely related to the Law of Attraction, which tells us that we attract those things that are in harmony with our present rate of vibration.

The crucial word in the last paragraph is "present," for your rate of vibration -the kind of energy you send out to the universe- can and does change all the time. It may not seem this way; in fact, it may seem that little in yourself or the world changes much. This is because there is a tendency for inertia to set in -for a certain pattern of vibration to repeat itself over time. Still, we can observe that everything actually does change. Seasons pass, living things are born, grow and eventually die; the economy and the weather also change, though certain cycles are repeated.

There is one major difference between human beings and the other types of examples just mentioned -we have free will, which means we have the ability to change our vibration based on our intent. Our vibration is determined by our thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Our emotions are actually the "barometer" of our vibration -they tell us the results of the vibration we are putting forth at any given moment.

Our emotions can also tend to perpetuate the thoughts and beliefs we've held in the past, which can sometimes be a trap. If we want to change something in our life, we have to break the usual pattern of thoughts and emotions. To do this we may have to do something to break the pattern; a diversion of some kind. It's important, when we are feeling negative emotions, to realize that this is telling us something important about our vibration and what we are presently attracting. If we can divert ourselves from this negativity, even for a short time, we can at least return to a more neutral state and then focus on creating more positive beliefs that will lead to more desired emotions and then outcomes.

What we must remember about vibration is that we are always vibrating some kind of energy, which is attracting something in the "external" world. This is unavoidable. The only choice we have is how we want to vibrate -what patterns of energy we want to manifest- which will determine our experiences. The universe is made of energy in constant vibration, energy is never static. Everything is always changing, so we don't have the choice of freezing everything in place as it is, or appears to be now. We do, however, have the choice of "going with the flow," and being in harmony with the changes. This does not mean simply being resigned to accepting the world the way it is. When we are truly in harmony with the flow of energy, we are part of the it, so we are part of that which chooses how things will work out.

There are various practices that can help us vibrate in a more positive or harmonious manner -affirmations, meditation, physical exercise (especially anything that has us breathing deeply) and fostering healthy relationships. The main thing, however, is to recognize that we are beings made of energy in motion, and that we can choose our rate of vibration based on the thoughts and mental pictures we are broadcasting at all times. This means we must take responsibility for the circumstances around us, as they are nothing more or less than our own creations.

What to Manifest More, Money, Love Or Better Health? What You Believe You Will Receive

You may be familiar with the idea that your beliefs create your reality. Do you actually live as though this were true? All too often, people base their beliefs on what they have seen or experienced in the past. This will tend to create more of it, whatever "it" may be. It may seem natural to believe what you have come to define as "reality." However, if you want to create your own reality, you have to reverse this process. Rather than basing your beliefs on your past experience, you want to learn to create your future experience with your present beliefs.

How can we create beliefs that are not based on our experience? It has to start with an intention. This can be an affirmation that you write down or repeat to yourself. It is best to start with a specific goal in mind. Let's say you want to create the belief that you attract abundance into your life. Let's also assume that your recent experience does not seem to support this belief, as you have been feeling a lack of abundance. A typical affirmation for this might be something like, "I now attract abundance into my life." However, at this point, we are working at one level deeper, at the level of beliefs. So your affirmation would be, "I now believe that I can attract abundance at all times." While it is only a change of a couple of words, you are focusing on changing your beliefs, which are really the essence of your ability to attract anything.

One reason it can be helpful to work with beliefs this way is that you can create affirmations that are not contradicting your present ideas about reality. It's fine to say, "I am now attracting abundance," but your rational mind might remain a little skeptical. Such an affirmation can still be helpful, especially if you persist with it. However, the affirmation, "I now believe I can attract abundance," is working on changing your beliefs rather than physical reality, so it's less of a challenge to the rational mind. You can use this with any kind of affirmation, simply focusing on the belief rather than the material outcome.

If you want to attract a certain outcome in your life, try to focus in on the essential quality that this desire represents. If you want to attract a new relationship, for example, you may want to work with your beliefs regarding love and whether you feel deserving of love. So, while a more traditional affirmation might be, "I now attract the perfect mate into my life," you might try instead, "I now believe I deserve to give and receive love."

Don't make the mistake of thinking that this kind of affirmation is less powerful than a seemingly more direct one. If your beliefs create your reality, then changing your beliefs will very quickly change your physical reality. Focusing on the beliefs rather than the physical reality itself is simply a way to acknowledge the power of beliefs.

As you practice this, you will notice that your understanding of how beliefs actually create your reality will increase.

How Fast Will Your Desires Manifest With the Law of Attraction

Many people who study the Law of Attraction want to know how fast it works. There can be no one answer to that question. It is, in fact, a question that, while perfectly natural to ask, you are better off not asking. The reason for this is that the question is usually inspired by either impatience, doubt or a fear that what you desire will never manifest.

"Infinite patience brings instant results."

I heard this said by Wayne Dyer, but I'm not sure of who said it first. In any case, it's something worth meditating on. Since few of us have infinite patience, few of us see instant results. Infinite patience really means a complete faith that the universal Law of Attraction works all the time and for everyone, including you, so that there is no need to worry about how or when something will happen. All the same, since most of us are still working on our manifestation abilities, we can look at ways to speed up the manifestation process, even before we have "infinite patience."

If you want something to manifest quickly, you should focus on something that you can at least believe is possible. As you practice using the Law of Attraction, you will find that your ideas about what is possible expand all the time. And you definitely don't want to limit yourself by thinking too small. Yet you also must consider where you are right now. You don't want to defy your rational mind; you want to work in harmony with it, to bring it up to speed with your higher self. You can't do this by asking for something that seems too unrealistic by your present standards. Remember, once you have success with any kind of manifestation, you can keep going and get comfortable asking for bigger and better things. So, if you want more money, it's better to ask for and additional $1000 per month than an additional $10,000 per month (unless you are already making so much that an extra $10,000 doesn't seem like so much!).

Another thing that can speed up the manifestation process is to not be too preoccupied or obsessed with your desire. This goes with the quote about infinite patience. We might say, as the other side of the coin, that "A complete lack of patience brings no results." If you are thinking about your desire all the time, constantly looking for evidence that it's on the way, this shows that you are really worried about it and don't have faith that it is coming. You need to let go and allow the universe to bring it to you in the perfect way, at the perfect time.

Finally, you should remember that, from the point of view of the universe and your higher self, there is no time. What you want has already been created, as soon as you imagine it. While this can be hard to believe, it is true. It is only our lack of faith and impatience that makes it take a long time (from the point of view of our physical self) to get here. If you can really get yourself to believe this, that as soon as you clearly picture something it already exists, then you won't even be concerned about when it "really" manifests. You will be living in the reality that you have created, and the universe will bring it to you quickly.

Creation Follows Intention

You create more of anything you give your attention to. Have you heard this before? If so, have you given any thought to what it really means? Attention sounds like a straightforward concept, but it can be slippery, because attention is something we are using all the time. Most people do not have much control over where they place their attention, and the result of this is that the results they create seem random or haphazard.

We cannot always control what comes into our experience, what our senses perceive or even the thoughts that run through our minds. The element of choice comes up in how much of our attention we give the diverse elements that make up our experience. We may not, for instance, be able to avoid paying attention to traffic around us when we are stuck in a slow lane. We can, however, decide whether or not to make this our main focus for the next ten or twenty minutes, perhaps running the familiar "I'm going to get tense and annoyed because I'm in a traffic jam" program. We might decide to try an alternative, and use this experience to practice relaxing our minds, or perhaps trying to find a creative solution to a problem at work.

Attention is more than just what we notice with our senses. It's also the emotional connection we make to these stimuli. Thus, we can see the same scene every day and change our focal point, or attention simply by changing the way we react to it, as the above example regarding a traffic jam illustrates. Very often, the nature of an issue, whether it relates to your relationships, health, finances or other aspect of life, is defined by how we use our attention.

For example, suppose you have a new technological gadget, say a computer. While many people today are familiar with the basic workings of personal computers, most of us are not experts in every aspect of how a computer works. Suppose you start operating your new computer and find that you can't figure out how to operate one particular program. You may become frustrated at the lack or quality of instructions for this program and find that you do nothing but keep trying the same procedures over and over, and still can't get it to work. You call the support number and can't seem to find anyone who can explain it to you in language you can understand.

It may very well be, if you consider this matter, that the program you can't figure out is really rather trivial. You are perfectly capable of doing 99% of what you need to do on this computer, but if you become fixated on the one thing you can't do, you may find yourself getting nothing accomplished for many hours. I'm not saying you should just give up in such a case, but the point is that if you spend too much time giving your attention to what you can't do, or what presents an obstacle, you will be ignoring the many things that work smoothly. You may be far more productive if you put the problematic issue on hold until you can talk to someone who can help you or find a book or web site that is helpful.

If you put your attention on what is working well in your life, you will find more instances of it. The nature of life is that one thing always leads to another, and usually to something of a similar vibration. If you place your attention on problems, or on things that are not working well, you will attract more such things into your life.

By focusing on what does work, you will find that eventually you will find ways to fill in the gaps on those things that are not working right now.

This holds true for every area of your life. Some things are always working better than others. Certain issues take time to resolve, and to keep focusing on something that cannot be changed right now is only going to make you feel frustrated. By focusing on what is working right now, you will find that more and more of your life fits into this category.

September 14, 2008

Creating Reality With Positive Or Negative Thoughts

How does the future happen? Is it all random? Are some people just luckier than others? I don't think many people really believe that, though it sometimes may seem that way. At a deeper level, however, we really have a sense that life is not random, and that we have the power to create our own future, if only we learned the right tricks, system or method.

Have you heard the expression "You create your own reality?" This was first said by Jane Roberts, in the Seth books, such as Seth Speaks and The Nature of Personal Reality. This idea has become a lot more popular since those books came out in the 1960s. Now many people are familiar with books like Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, and, more recently, The Secret and the Abraham books by Esther Hicks. However, is the basic message of all these books, that our thoughts create reality, actually true? And if it is true, how can we put it to use so that it's more than just a theory?

The reason why it can seem difficult to practice "creating your own reality" with your thoughts is that you have so many thoughts every day. More than you can count. If you doubt this, try to keep track of your thoughts for a short period of time, say twenty minutes. You will most likely find an endless dream-like "stream of consciousness," with one thought leading to the next. Often you will end up with a thought that is very different from one you had only moments before. And each of these thoughts has a different vibration. Some are quite positive and energizing. Others are the opposite -fearful, angry or sad. Most are somewhere in the middle, which means they don't have a very strong vibration in any particular direction.

If we are serious about wanting to create our reality with our thoughts, we have to start paying more attention to these thoughts and not allow them to just pull us in all different directions. Not that we should suppress thoughts that aren't positive, but we should be aware of them and not allow them to lead us in a downward spiral of negativity. The real trick to thinking positively is that you can always nudge yourself in a more positive direction --as long as you are conscious of what you are thinking and feeling.

Thoughts that have a lot of emotion attached to them are much more powerful than those with little emotion. Positive thoughts are more powerful than negative, though some people find this difficult to believe. The reason why people have trouble believing this is that they are not aware of the ratio of positive to negative thoughts in their minds. For example, they may actually be thinking negatively 60% of the time, positively 5% and basically neutral thoughts the other 35% of the time. When they don't get the results they would like, they remember the 5% of the time they were thinking positively and conclude, "I tried positive thinking, but it just didn't work for me."

If someone like this could start think positively 25% of the time, they would start to see significant changes for the better. At around this point, the positive thoughts will start to cancel out the negative. And this will give them a kind of foothold into still more positive thoughts, where they could then increase the percentage still further. Once you can think positively 51% of the time, you are really on your way to a more abundant future! A

In truth, you are not going to count your thoughts and be able to precisely know what percentage are positive, negative or neutral. These are only guidelines. The point is to remember that the universe is always receptive to your thoughts, no matter what they are. You are always creating your reality, whether your thoughts are positive or negative. Another way to put this is that you are always attracting your experiences, whether you are attracting what you want or what you don't want.

If you keep this in mind, you will have a powerful incentive to reach for the most positive, expansive and prosperous thoughts you can find.

How to Overcome, "The Law of Attraction Doesn't Work For Me!"

Are you someone who suspects that the Law of Attraction does not work for you? This is a fairly common belief, surprisingly enough. I say "surprisingly," because a universal law is, by definition, something that holds true for everyone. Yet many people harbor certain beliefs, often below the level of conscious awareness, that they are, for some reason, an exception to such laws.

In a way, this belief is a step up from the belief that the Law of Attraction does not exist at all. According to this belief, there is no way anyone can attract anything. Yet it is difficult to hold on to this belief, because it requires that you ignore all evidence that people are attracting circumstances into their lives all the time! So many people will acknowledge that it is possible to attract something to you, but that they just don't have the ability, luck or divine favor to accomplish it. The answer to this is fairly simple, when you give it some thought.

When we remember that the Law of Attraction is always working, and that it brings to us whatever we are attracting, based on our thoughts, emotions and beliefs, then we can see that a statement such as, "The Law of Attraction never works for me" is, indeed true, but it is an example of the Law of Attraction in action! You see, by affirming that attraction does not work for you, you are using the very law you are claiming doesn't work for you. To be more literal, the statement can never be more than half true, as the Law of Attraction is always working. What you really mean is, "The Law of Attraction never brings me what I really want." Now this can be 100% true if you really believe it, because you are attracting a reality that you don't want.

If you can grasp the simple truth of this, you can see how silly and unnecessary it is to reinforce such beliefs. If the Law of Attraction works for anyone (which it does), then it most definitely works for you --including when you attract what you don't want. So all you have to do is think about what you do want, and allow the Law to work on your behalf.

To really work on changing this belief, you should play with the wording and the feelings behind it. Pay attention to what you are saying to yourself when you are "proving" to yourself that the Law of Attraction isn't working. For example, if you keep telling yourself, "I never have enough money," and then you repeatedly find yourself lacking money, you are not proving that the Law of Attraction isn't working, but that it is. If you want to change your result, you simply have to shift what you are attracting, which includes your words, thoughts and feelings. The Law of Attraction always works, even for you. The question is, what are you attracting right now?

How to Discover Your Life Purpose

Do you believe that you have a life purpose or destiny? If so, how can you best fulfill it? And how do you know if you are moving towards it or away from it? What you should realize is that any life purpose you have is not something decided for you by someone else, even by God or the universe. It is something that you find and create for yourself. So the way you know if you are moving towards or away from it is very simple -you will know by how various activities make you feel.

Finding your life purpose is really finding what your are most passionate about, and what makes you feel most alive and like you are living up to your potential. This can be almost anything, and it varies widely from one person to another. To one person, for example, having a farm and getting up before dawn to care for animals is their life's dream, while working in an office all day, say as a lawyer, would be pure drudgery. To someone else, the exact opposite is true. It's all a question of "following your bliss," as Joseph Campbell put it.

If you feel that you are doing things that are not connected to your true purpose, it's time to pay attention to what you really enjoy. Some people assume that what is fun for them is simply trivial, and that they could not possibly make a living from it. This is very seldom the case, especially today, when people make money creating computer games, writing fantasy novels, baking desserts, playing music and so forth.

The important thing is not that you make money at doing what you love, but that you make time to do it. Another well known saying (not sure who said this first), "Do what you love, the money will follow." If you think about it, however, even if you never make a lot of money from something, if you truly feel passionate about it, it is worth pursuing. And if you truly follow through on what you love and are determined to make it a larger and larger part of your life, there will certainly be a way to make it a livelihood.

You have to start somewhere. Take a class in something you are really interested in. Read books on the subject. Join online discussion forums. See if you can join a local group in your area on the subject. If none exists, start one. Preferably find time every day, if only a few minutes, to devote some time to your passion, whether it's drawing in a sketchbook, writing a poem, cooking, playing a sport or learning a musical instrument.

Now even when you are truly following your life's purpose, you will not find every detail in the pursuit fascinating. There are usually certain parts of anything that you may find boring or tedious. The difference between this and an activity that is not at all in alignment with your life's purpose is in how you imagine the outcome. If, for example, you very much want to learn to play the piano, you will find the idea of being an accomplished pianist very exciting, even if you sometimes tire of practicing the same notes over and over again.

On the other hand, let's say you have a job as a cashier and you really don't like it very much. You may find that there is no future possibility involving operating a cash register that excites you. So this is, most likely, not your life's purpose. Yet if you find time to practice the piano every night after working at the cash register, you can use that to make the "boring" activity more tolerable. If you make it a point to identify your life's passions (usually there is more than one!) and making time to pursue them, you will gradually start to see everything you do as being of service to your greater purpose.

The Speed of Manifestation

When someone has just been introduced to the Law of Attraction one of the first questions they will have is, “how long does it take to work?”. Any good teacher will tell you that this is entirely dependant on you and how much expectancy you have of your desires becoming a reality.

It is always advisable that you start off by manifesting some small items to provide evidence that this invisible force does in fact exist and is most definitely yielding things to you.

Fact is, the Law of Attraction is constantly working and it will never cease to operate.

When I say you should start small and manifest smaller items, what I mean by this is set your intention to manifest something you have very little resistance to. Some good examples of this would be; car parking spaces, cups of coffee or seeing feathers.

The reason that these are good items to manifest is because you’ve had all of these brought to you before. You’ve had good car parking spaces before. You’ve had someone bring you a cup of coffee and you’ve been out and seen feathers lying around on the floor before.

The resistance factor is minimal. If you set your intention to receive a cup of coffee and you spend just a little time thinking about it. When someone who wouldn’t normally offer you a morning coffee, does offer you one – you can easily make the correlation that the Law of Attraction has been at work and has yielded that to you. These smaller manifestations are awesome for confidence building and you can never manifest enough of them!

In fact, I sometimes enjoy my smaller manifestations more than bigger or high-valued items.

Every morning I go for a walk in my local area. I’ve found a perfect route that I like to follow; there are plenty of flowers and lots of interesting things to see along the way. It’s fairly peaceful and very rarely do you see cars on my route.

However to get there I have to cross a busy road, and coming back I have to cross the same road again. Now every morning I put my manifesting muscles to good work and as I am walking towards this busy road I say to myself “I am going to cross this road without stopping, there will be no traffic in my way”. I also visualise myself walking across this road without a car insight. Previously I’ve had this happen on many busy roads where there has been a perfect gap in traffic so that I can cross without having to run or stop on the island in the middle – so my resistance to this happening is very low.

95% of the time, when I come to this “usually” busy road, there is always that perfect gap in traffic where I can just walk without stopping and cross the road successfully. I do this every morning, and every morning I am delighted with the results!

Although this manifestation may be considered to be a small manifestation, I get immense pleasure from it. It makes me feel more in charge and in control of what happens in my experience. It reconfirms that I am a deliberate creator and that I can manifest anything, no matter how big or small. It proves to me that the universe loves me and will yield anything I ask for.

The speed of this manifestation is literally within minutes of me thinking about it. You do not need to spend days in advance visualising what you want. In fact the universe hears your desires without words or images; the universe hears your feelings (vibration) and yields to you exactly what you’ve been asking for with your vibration.

Just remember, the universe cannot yield to you something that you say you want, but do not feel like you have it. If you expect a miracle – you will manifest one.

It Is Good To Feel Good

Do you need to use vision boards, meditations, self-help CDs and other tools to manifest your desires?

When becoming a deliberate creator you have to remember that not all of the same tools that work for one person will work for another. If this was so, we would all be millionaires right now from just reading one book!

Over the years there have been many great teachers sharing their tools, tips, tricks and techniques with us so that we too can make our dreams a reality. My favourite and most highly respected teacher I’ve ever come across is the teaching of Abraham-Hicks who teach very easy, understandable methods of manifesting.

All techniques that teachers share with us have one common denominator. They are all designed to make you feel good. Whether it is meditating, visualising a vision board, listening to affirmations or listening to a subliminal self-help CD’s – every tool is designed to make you feel good.

Why is this? Feeling good is all there is. It is the purpose for your being. You are not on this planet to reproduce and then die. You are not here to earn lots of money and then die. Your purpose here right now is to experience as much joy, fun, happiness and love as you possibly can! You shouldn’t waste a single second of it.

Why would you want to waste your time doing something that wasn’t enjoyable?

Everyone has their own individual ideas of what is enjoyable and what isn’t, which is why this universe and the world we live in is so brilliant. A good example of this would be the difference between age groups. Generally the older generation do not like technical gizmos and devices such as computers, whereas the younger generation have fallen in love with them.

Coming back to the original point of this article then, you do not need to use every different tip, tool or technique under the sun. These teachers are just sharing what has helped them because they enjoy helping you.

My advice is to try them all out. If it resonates with you, you will sure know about it because it makes you feel so good. It makes you happy, alive and joyful. On the other hand, you may not get these types of feelings and so that technique is not the right one for you.

One universal technique that I have found works with everyone and anyone is a process called “finding a thought that feels better”. To do this process you simply poke around inside your thoughts until you can find a thought that feels just a little better than your previous thought. Then when you’ve found a thought that feels better, milk it for everything its worth! Suck all of the goodness out of that thought and dwell upon it. Then move on and think of another thought that feels slightly better than the thought you just had…

You can see where this one is going?

Before long you will be feeling so damn great, you will be in love with everything and everyone around you. I invite you to try it.

Just remember one thing … it is good to feel good!


3 Simple Steps to Attract Miracles

To start manifesting a miracle you need to get yourself into alignment with what you’ve been wanting. There are many different ways that you can accomplish this. You can focus on the desire itself, and feel gratitude for already having your desire and feel as if you already have that thing and have achieved it. Or, you can feel good in the moment about something else and not give any attention to the lack of what you are wanting.

I’m going to show you three different ways of turning your attention away from the lack of it.


Love is by far the most powerful emotion that you can possibly feel. Think back to when you were in high school and you had a crush on someone. The passion, excitement and appreciation for that person are the feelings that have immense power. Can you remember how it felt? Maybe you’re deeply in love with someone now and know exactly how it feels!

Your first method of attracting a miracle is to spend time thinking about a past love relationship that you had. You can close your eyes if you want to, or you can just gaze out of the window, gently dreaming.

You must get into the feelings of that relationship. How did it feel at the time? What emotions were you going through? How passionate was it. Focus only on the positive emotions, even if you are no longer with that person. Just think back to the wonderful sexual energy that you had going at that time and rekindle those memories.

You remember that feeling of butterflies in your tummy? Recall it all! Live it again, and dwell on it for as long as feels comfortable to you.


Appreciating the nature you have around you is another wonderful method you can use to attract your miracles. When you’re gazing and appreciating life, everything you’ve been saying you want is in that moment magnetizing its way towards you. The more joy, love and appreciation you feel – the more positive manifestations will occur.

I go for a walk every single morning, and I encourage you to adopt a similar routine. When you go for your walks in nature, try and find somewhere that has little disturbances but much beauty to admire. This will help you focus on the sheer loveliness of your surroundings.

Beautiful vibrant flowers, rivers, lakes, lush green woods and forests are all perfect places for you to go out and experience nature. When out on your walk, give gratitude for being where you are. And feel real appreciation for having such an abundant universe. I guarantee you that when you return home, you will feel much better than you did before you set out.

Focus on an object

Beauty is all around you. Right now, I can guarantee you that you have some object of beauty around you with or without you truly realising it.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”

Find an object in your room that looks pretty to you or is of interest to you and start to list in your mind all of the positive aspects about it.

  • Why do you like it so much?
  • Does it have an interesting shape?
  • What colour is it?
  • Is it a perfect size?
  • Does it remind you of something?
You can do this with any object at all. The intention is find positive aspects about certain objects in your room. Once you’ve given as much gratitude and appreciation as you can for that object, then move on and find another object.

Your object could be as simple as a lit candle or an interesting wooden box.

Allowing Is All There Is

The next time you walk into a well lit room, ask yourself “why is there no dark switch on the wall?”. There is no source of darkness; there is light and then no-light. But darkness does not exist as it has no source.

This is the same thing with the Law of Attraction and well-being. There is a source of wellness, well-being or source energy yet there is no evil source. There is no source that is out to hurt you nor is there a source of illness and sickness.

There is allowing and there is disallowing. That’s it!

When you learn to allow positive feelings and positive energy to flow through your body you feel great! And it is in those moments when you are allowing. What are you allowing? You are allowing well-being. You are allowing the source that is natural to you. You are allowing every desire you’ve thought of to be attracted to you.

It makes perfect sense why everything would start flowing to you when you’re in a state of allowing. Try and place a feeling on every one of those desires you’ve been wanting - the new house, the extra money or that passionate relationship. They all feel good to you! And when you get into alignment with that feeling of goodness everything you desire will start making its way to you because the Law of Attraction has only one job – to match like thoughts together.

Allowing really is, all there is. You are the creator of every circumstance within your life. So make the most of this allowing ‘thing’ and really start practicing it with real passion, desire and determination.

The universe does not respond to some people and not others. It responds to everyone exactly the same and will yield those who are in vibrational harmony with what they say they’ve been wanting to manifest into their experience.

There is no better feeling than to be the deliberate creator of your own reality. The thrill of visualizing a desire and getting yourself into harmony with what you’ve been wanting and seeing it manifest - will make you the happiest man or woman alive!

Don’t waste another moment feeling sorry for yourself. Make the decision that feeling good is the only feeling you want to feel. And practice it!

Did You Know? Thoughts Become Things

“Ask and It Is Given” is not just the name of Esther Hicks’ book. It is the most accurate expression of this entire universe. You ask, and the universe delivers.

This philosophy has been given the name the Law of Attraction.

It isn’t something that can be switched on and off whenever you want to, it is working continuously. It works every time and there are no exceptions.

Similar to the Law of Gravitation, you would not expect it to suddenly go on the blink and half of planet suddenly begins to float 3 metres off the ground, whilst the other half of the planet have 3 tonne lead boots on and are welded to the ground!

So why do we sometimes feel as if the Law of Attraction is not working for us? Why do we sometimes wish we could turn it on and off at our own choosing? It is because the majority of people on this planet have untrained minds and thus untrained thoughts.

Their thought patterns are erratic and feel spontaneous - thus their lives unfold in that manner also. If the average Joe Bloggs were to spend a tiny fraction of their time training their mind instead of watching television or reading the news, that person could begin to focus, at will, on whatever they desired with accurate images firing their way into the mind.

Instead what happens is, thoughts get flung left, right and centre into their mind as if it is not really them in control of it. The fact of the matter is you ARE in control of what you think about. You get to choose how you react to every circumstance and you also get to choose whatever thoughts you want to think.

Mike Dooley (author of “Infinite Possibilities”) states that “Thoughts become things”. And this is a very accurate description.

An even more accurate description would be to say it is the emotions you feel that attract physical manifestations into your life.

Thoughts create Images which create Emotions which create Results.

So how can you tell if you are on the right path to creating your desires? Pay more attention to the Thoughts, Images and Emotions that you experience on a day to day basis. Make it your intention to feel good for no other reason that to feel good!