September 14, 2008

How to Overcome, "The Law of Attraction Doesn't Work For Me!"

Are you someone who suspects that the Law of Attraction does not work for you? This is a fairly common belief, surprisingly enough. I say "surprisingly," because a universal law is, by definition, something that holds true for everyone. Yet many people harbor certain beliefs, often below the level of conscious awareness, that they are, for some reason, an exception to such laws.

In a way, this belief is a step up from the belief that the Law of Attraction does not exist at all. According to this belief, there is no way anyone can attract anything. Yet it is difficult to hold on to this belief, because it requires that you ignore all evidence that people are attracting circumstances into their lives all the time! So many people will acknowledge that it is possible to attract something to you, but that they just don't have the ability, luck or divine favor to accomplish it. The answer to this is fairly simple, when you give it some thought.

When we remember that the Law of Attraction is always working, and that it brings to us whatever we are attracting, based on our thoughts, emotions and beliefs, then we can see that a statement such as, "The Law of Attraction never works for me" is, indeed true, but it is an example of the Law of Attraction in action! You see, by affirming that attraction does not work for you, you are using the very law you are claiming doesn't work for you. To be more literal, the statement can never be more than half true, as the Law of Attraction is always working. What you really mean is, "The Law of Attraction never brings me what I really want." Now this can be 100% true if you really believe it, because you are attracting a reality that you don't want.

If you can grasp the simple truth of this, you can see how silly and unnecessary it is to reinforce such beliefs. If the Law of Attraction works for anyone (which it does), then it most definitely works for you --including when you attract what you don't want. So all you have to do is think about what you do want, and allow the Law to work on your behalf.

To really work on changing this belief, you should play with the wording and the feelings behind it. Pay attention to what you are saying to yourself when you are "proving" to yourself that the Law of Attraction isn't working. For example, if you keep telling yourself, "I never have enough money," and then you repeatedly find yourself lacking money, you are not proving that the Law of Attraction isn't working, but that it is. If you want to change your result, you simply have to shift what you are attracting, which includes your words, thoughts and feelings. The Law of Attraction always works, even for you. The question is, what are you attracting right now?

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